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Abschaltung Forum zum 03.01.2024 ×

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Am 5.1.2023 um 11:05 schrieb gmplus:

cyberJack RFID basis

Support for Extended APDU ?

Support for Chip Authentication based on ECDH, PACEv2: ECDH and EAC2 ?

Yes the cyberJack RFID basis supports extended APDU.
Please note the cyberJack RFID basis is only a class 1 smart card reader without a pin pad. So it is like a USB card connection adapter. Chip Authentication is not implemented in the smart card reader, it has to be implemented by the host PC. If it is supposed to be implemented in the reader, you have to choose cyberJack RFID standard or cyberJack RFID komfort.

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