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Abschaltung Forum zum 03.01.2024 ×

Treiber Probleme macOS Big Sur 11.4

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb marcel.staudinger:

Seit dem Update auf die Version 11.4 wird zwar das Kartenlesegerät erkannt, aber eine Übertragung von Daten per HBCI schlägt leider fehl.

Gibt es ähnliche Probleme?

Problem gelöst. Die VPN Verbindung wurde neu konfiguriert.

Thema kann somit geschlossen werden.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes its now fix the issue but for more info here we share some highlighted point about that. macOS Big Sur Updates enhance stability as well as performance and the compatibility of your Mac. They are highly recommended to macOS Big Sur users. After installing macOS Big Sur, choose System Preferences from the Apple menu , then click Software Update to check for the latest updates. The updates contain information on security as well as what's new for enterprise. omegle

macOS Big Sur 11.5
MacOS Big Sur 11.5 includes the following improvements: The Podcasts Library tab lets you select whether you want to view all or only the most popular podcasts.
The following issues were also addressed in the release: Your music might not be a reflection of the play count or the date it was last played in your library.omegle
If you log in to Mac computers with the M1 chip, smart card might not function properly.

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